Welcome to the website of the Hallesche Jugendwerkstatt.

Our focus is on working with socially marginalised groups and supporting children and young people. We do what we do in the confidence that it will make everyday life better for our fellow human beings and help them in their lives.

We love people with disabilities because we have disabilities ourselves. We want the youth workshop to be a place where we can trust each other and recognise personal triumphs and failures. If we can achieve this openness, nobody needs to be afraid of others. Then everyone can be who they are.

Those entrusted to our care can be confident and try things out, even if they go wrong… and try something new until it works.

When we as employees of the Halle Youth Workshop are given trust, we accompany and support the newcomers on their journey. And we believe in them.

Welcome to our homepage.

Yours, Anna Manser
Anna Manser Unterschrift

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